First, as the CDG we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those in the NHS, social care, all our public services and others at the front line who are working so hard and with such commitment at this very difficult and challenging time for our country. Thank You.
As scientists, the government and all of us work together to stop the spread of the Coronavirus and put in measures to keep us safe and save lives - we must ensure that we all act responsibly and undertake social distancing. Please do Stay Home & Save Lives. By adhering to the government’s rules we will reduce the risks to many disabled people and others who may have underlying health conditions, of being exposed to the disease.
The Prime Minister and his colleagues in Government have made significant and unprecedented steps in peace time to tackle the virus. The Prime Minister has shown strong leadership during this time and we wish him – and the Health & Social Care Secretary - Matt Hancock MP – and all those who are ill due to COVID-19 full and speedy recoveries.
We are aware that many disabled people and those with long term conditions are concerned about what will happen if their Personal Assistants, Care & Support Staff or family carers are self-isolating and no longer able to support them due to COVID-19. Finding suitable care and support staff who meet their requirements will be a challenge and it is important that our social care system has the resources and flexibility it needs to continue to support disabled people during this time.
The Conservative Disability Group works to support disabled people to inform policy, and promote a better understanding of the Conservative approach to disability issues. An approach which is based on our values of freedom, choice, respect and community. We will continue to work closely with our Parliamentary Supporters during this time – particularly our President The Rt. Hon. Maria Miller MP & our Parliamentary Champions Paul Bristow MP & Baroness Emma Nicholson – as well as Jeremy Balfour MSP & Mark Ishwerwood AM - to ensure the concerns of disabled people and their families and carers are listened to, and action follows.
It is vital that we all pull together in this time of national effort, so that we can ensure that we reduce the risks to disabled people and provide them with the support they will require. So in the words of our Chancellor: Rishi Sunak: "When this is over, and it will be over, we want to look back at this moment and remember the many small acts of kindness done by us and to us.”